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Since 2015, StackIQ Founders have been working together as best friends and partners in building startups, consulting, and executing on vision. 

With seasoned pedigrees in technology, business, finance, media, music, the arts, and humanitarian work extending into the 1990s, StackIQ founders Jason Bennick and Wes Reid have each worked hands-on with both private and public prestigious organizations, and various humanitarian groups in the world today. 

From American Express™, Spotify™, Discovery Networks™, and the New York Stock Exchange™ to Warner Music Group™,  Toyota™, and GA Telesis™, including their current Board and Executive roles at Commonwealth Capital LLC, they have helped measurably increase business growth, market share, and profitability for dozens of companies through a multitude of projects and industry endeavors.

As the best of friends and trusted partners, they formed StackIQ as a consulting extension of Product Lab LLC, focused on coaching and consulting founders and their leadership teams to assist them in increasing their opportunities for success. 

What We Value


The success of any business, relationship, marriage, or friendship is built on a foundation of trust. To achieve results, there must be trust among everyone. We believe in earning trust by delivering results for every client.


We do not compromise on doing what's right. Every client, business, and challenges will differ. This means tailoring solutions for the right outcomes. We deliver what we promise, and only promise what we will. 


Time is a valuable commodity, and we try to spend it wisely. Once we make a client commitment, we put in the time and hard work necessary to get the results every client needs and expects from us. 


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Jason Bennick


Jason currently resides in Florida with his wife and daughter. His hobbies include writing, motorcycling, and sports while enjoying time with his family and traveling when not performing his executive duties.
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Wes Reid


Wes dually resides in New Jersey and France with his wife and three children. His hobbies include music, with his greatest interest as a dedicated father and husband, while leading all strategic technology efforts for Product Lab initiatives.
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